The Interval #5
2024 Mixedmedia on canvas
410mm x 410mm
シリーズタイトル「The Interval」は、「狭間」を意味し、東洋と西洋、生と死、無と有といった対極に存在するものの間に生じる現象を可視化することを目指しています。この作品群を通じて、これからの日本のアイデンティティや文化の行く末を模索しています。
I am exploring a new visual language by integrating the Eastern medium of sumi ink with the Western medium of acrylic spray paint on a single canvas. As a calligrapher deeply immersed in Japanese culture, I have also been profoundly influenced by European and American cultures since childhood. Acknowledging these cultural elements from both East and West, I create works that emerge from my personal experiences and inner dilemmas.
Postwar Japan has been swept by waves of Westernization, leading to a perceived destabilization of Japanese identity. My works act as a mirror, reflecting the issues facing contemporary Japan. By retracing my journey as a calligrapher and blending elements from both Eastern and Western traditions, I attempt to visually articulate the essence of modern Japan.
The series titled “The Interval” signifies the “in-between” and aims to visualize phenomena that occur in the spaces between dichotomies such as East and West, life and death, and nothingness and existence. Through this body of work, I seek to explore the future trajectory of Japanese identity and culture.
My artwork transcends the boundaries of tradition and modernity, as well as the internal and external, inviting viewers to rediscover Japanese culture and gain insights into its future direction.